Automatic dual-brightness/exposure

  • An item I am currently experimenting on has a "two tone" design where the upper half of the device is ivory colored and the bottom half is charcoal colored.  To top it off, the plastic is somewhat glossy/shiny despite its texture.

    I've found that I get a better result if I take two identical scans but with different exposure or brightness settings and then combining the two scans together. 

    The otherwise identical pair of scans tend to be offset from each other, probably because there some noise in the background that show up differently between the ligher and darker scans.

    It would be nice if there was a way to automatically take paired scans with the two settings; even better if some some kind of automatic masking and/or alignment can happen.

  • Thanks Joseph,
    We have this on our feature list. We're currently working on textures and some major bugs that came up. This will be next after all that.

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