Thanks for the suggestion Christian. Again I cannot discuss the details, but suffice to say, this is something that makes us different from Shining and Polyga.
Thanks for the suggestion Christian. Again I cannot discuss the details, but suffice to say, this is something that makes us different from Shining and Polyga.
Hi Christian, I'll try to answer your questions the best I can. 1) When looking at speeding up the scan process, we always have to compare the benefits and dissadvantages. Since the scanner is no...
Hi Christian, I can't go into the details about it unfortunatly. Suffice to say, mathematically you are correct, but in practise using vertical patterns gives better results. There are no plans to...
Hi all, Update 10 is out with some major features. Since 8.2, we've made some massive improvements and bug fixes. - Turntable fixes and improvments.- Texturing improvements, including fast...
Hi Travis, surprisingly enough, this is a feature that we're releasing either this week or next! It's also available via the API. The feature does essentially exactly what you're describing...
Hi Joseph, Great question.If you want a rule of thumb for accuracy, then it should be the closer the better. But I will caveat this with the fact that most scans do not need the best ac...
We’re thrilled to announce the initial release of the Matter and Form THREE Python library! This library allows any developer the ability to control and interact with the Matter and Form THRE...
Thanks Joseph, We have this on our feature list. We're currently working on textures and some major bugs that came up. This will be next after all that.
Forgot to update here notes will be in the software in the next update
Hi everyone, Sorry for the late reply I was on vacation. We skipped V7 as it never made it through the release candidacy. We update major versions when there is a Schema change that might break pr...
Heres a quick list of what's new in some of the versions lately.A quick reminder, please TURN OFF your subscription to nightly updates unless are very brave and want to risk breaking your scanner. ...
Hey Andrew,Thanks for the insight and request.First, let me say that the turntable error is common and due to a problem on the actual silicon on the processor. We found a fix and are working to get...
Thanks Tom, Well add this to a software feature soon. For now I'll post release notes here in the forum.
Noted, thanks for your ideas Alex. I have them down as feature requests in our project.In the meantime, may I suggest getting to know the software Blender? It's free and extremely powerful fo...
The projector has a strong directional light that causes reflections on the card, so we rely on ambiant light to calibrate the turntable. However the newest nightly release has a partial fix for th...
Thanks for the input Jordan and Andrew, I have these in our feature requests. FYI, the next release will be bug focused and wont contain any of these new features (1/2 the team was on summer vacat...
Hi Andrew,Larger scans can be a bit tough for sure. The Scooter was scanned by setting everything to low and scanning from a distance to get as much coverage as possible. Then, I manually aligned e...