Release Notes 6.14 - 8.2

  • Hi everyone, Sorry for the late reply I was on vacation.

    We skipped V7 as it never made it through the release candidacy. We update major versions when there is a Schema change that might break previous versions. 

    Now the release notes:

    • Create changelog in package and include in SystemInfo calls.
    • Permit downgrading to stable versions. (This is not accessible on the frontend currently)
    • Upgrade version number to Version 7 due to schema changes
    • Allow downgrades in controller. (Again not accessible by the front end)
    • Add CopyProject task.
    • Add scale option to mesh export. (For blender users, select Meters)
    • One-time nightly updates. A lot of people were stuck on nightly updates without knowing it. Beta builds are now opt in for each build
    • Fix nightly update logic. 

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