I have not used the scanner for a long time so after running the calibration process I have run my scan but I'm getting an unscanned area on the top of my object.
It is not a object issue becuase I get it with any object and also with the calibration card and I get it also at any scanning height.
Laser setting are good but there is a missing area on the top.
Any idea about the reason and how to fix it ?

Hi Giancarlo,
Could you please sent the project file and the MFStudio logs to support@matterandform.net? While I think I understand what you are describing we will need more than screenshots to properly diagnose the issue.
You can find the logs by going to the Help menu and choosing "Export Log Files". Attach the .zip file with the logs to your email along with the project.
@Alex Berezowsky Thank you. I will do a new scan tomorrow and send you all the files.