Three scanner comparison

  • Hi, i currently use the Einscan SP 3D scanner and have been considering the Three scanner.
    How does the Three actually compare to the Einscan SP ?

    Has anyone out there been making actual comparisons ? 


    Best Rergards

  • Hi Karine-Johanne,

    The two scanners are somewhat similar. As CEO of M&F, I am of course biased towards THREE, but I've not seen a direct comparison between the two anywhere. I think you can trust that the THREE software is vastly superior to that for the Einscan SP or SE.

    If you check out this youtube playlist of reviews of THREE, it might be helpful: 


  • I've checked the video but was wondering if we could establish a baseline comparison between scanners by using a predefined object such a s a Lego Stormtrooper Minifig for reference.

    Could we scan even smaller objects by getting the  scanner closer and using a smaller calibration board ?

    Best Regards

  • I don't have a minifig scan, but here's a warhammer figurine scan we did, which has a lot more fine detail on it than a minifig:

    You are correct about getting smaller objects to scan by getting the scanner closer - and THREE even comes with two calibration cards, a large one and small one, to facilitate this. I have successfully scanned an engagement ring with THREE. It's really, really good at small things, and flexible enough to scan much larger things well too, because of the focusing cameras. 

    OpenScan have a great benchmarking project for 3D scanning, where people have scanned an orc gaming mini and all the results are displayed on their github:

    (Scroll to the bottom of the page to see photos of the results).

    You will note that THREE is one of the best scans in the list, with competion from the Artec Micro (which is around $35K?), a CT scanner (price unknown), and from OpenScan's own system (340-1000 Euros). Openscan is a great budget choice, but you have to build it yourself, and use fairly expensive machine vision cameras. 



  • Thank you Mr. Townsend for all these informations. I will review them and hopefully become a Three owner. I'll see if my workplace would be interested as well.

    Best Regards

  • Happy to help! By the way, the scanner's on sale for $1499 :D

  • You've put me up for a real challenge there. My Saturn 3 ultra is under maintenance so i had to print the benchy with the Mars 2 pro. So far, i haven't been able to match the quality of your scan with my Einscan SP.
    Would you happen to offer sample units to public institutions within the commonwealth ?

    Best Regards

  • We do not offer sample units, no.

  • @Trevor Townsend I understand. I'll upload my results to the OpenScan website.

    Thanks for your time.

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