Hello all,
based on youtube videos i saw that MAF3 is using horizontal AND vertical pattern.
From my pov both (vertial + horizontal) is only needed if projector and camera are oriented diagonal (x and y are different). In case of MAF3 the camera and projector are on same x-axis and therefore only vertical (stripes from top to bottom) are needed. I do not see any need and benefit using both pattern.
From my pov using only one pattern will improve capture and processing time (expected 50% less time) without negative drawback to scan quality. It's done like this in David/HP and FlexScan3d.
Is it planned to change this? Any specific reason or benfit why both pattern are used? From technical perspective i think it's not needed.
Thanks for your answer.
Hi Christian,
I can't go into the details about it unfortunatly. Suffice to say, mathematically you are correct, but in practise using vertical patterns gives better results. There are no plans to remove it.
If you feel so inclined, we have an API that you can use to project your own patterns and write your own implementation.
Hi Drew,
even the high end structured light scanner from Shining3d, Rangevision and Polyga FlexScan3d are only using one pattern set. Please discuss this with your R&D team and provide feedback about technical reason for this. Scanning time and processing ressources could be saved by using only one pattern set and i think this could bring lot of benefit to MAF3.
Thanks for the suggestion Christian. Again I cannot discuss the details, but suffice to say, this is something that makes us different from Shining and Polyga.
I do not know if it's always good idea to make this different to other. Even if they are faster and with higher precission (metrology grade). From my pov this should bring lot of improvements to MAF scanner as well. But i will not bother further on this.