I'm still learning how to use the scanner and also tools to work with the resulting data (Meshmixer and TurboCAD), but I just had a really successful result tonight and had to share. The resu...
I'm still learning how to use the scanner and also tools to work with the resulting data (Meshmixer and TurboCAD), but I just had a really successful result tonight and had to share. The resu...
Noted on the alignment idea guys. I was thinking something similar the other day when scanning an engagement ring. Let us see what we can do.
@Vaclav Zdrazil and @ROLAND BOILLE Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. We agree that the scanner takes a long time (and occasionally fails) when working with large data sets and we are worki...
@ROLAND BOILLE Yeah, I totally understand you. I've jokingly started calling the scanner a "waiting simulator". Luckily, I'm relatively patient, but sometimes it really annoys me, especially when i...
@Vaclav Zdrazil I'm in the same boat of having many time when trying to remesh were the system hangs and the only way is to power cycle the unit. The one thing I found was my linux system with 16gb...
@Jordan Cain I have the same challenges when working with largely flat items!
It's been a busy couple weeks, but I managed to add a few more parts.Internal rocker switch mechanism for drive direction.Internal battery.Internal circuit board. This one I had to do some post-pro...
Hi Trevor,I finally got around to finding the time to try everything out again. I sent you the scans, including the original ones. Yes, one of the test scans contained a lot of scans because I was ...
Hi Boris, So I actually had that backwards - it seems games actually use triangles, not quads. It's animation that is more likely to use quads. GPU rendering is optimized for triangles. You...
Thanks Joseph, We have this on our feature list. We're currently working on textures and some major bugs that came up. This will be next after all that.
Forgot to update herehttps://www.matterandform.net/community/xenforum/announcementsRelease notes will be in the software in the next update
Thank you so much, yea I'm really a beginner to 3D modeling period so at first I just wanted to be sure that the THREE scanner can at least get me good foundation to create game assets with, seems ...
Hi Vaclav, We've had a look at your log files and think we know what's happening. To help us troubleshoot and fix the disconnection problem, it would be very helpful if you could download and send...
Hi everyone, Sorry for the late reply I was on vacation. We skipped V7 as it never made it through the release candidacy. We update major versions when there is a Schema change that might break pr...
Hey Boris, One more thing I forgot to mention is THREE has quad meshing options as well, which would work better for the gaming asset purpose. Trevor.
Hi Boris, Thanks for your question! THREE's built-in software can decimate scans, and then texturize them, and the amount of decimation is under the user's control. However, it doesn't do bu...
I'm interested in creating assets similar to this: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/food/4k-photogrammetry-fruits-133983 So it's important for me to capture colors right, and have a ...
@Trevor Townsend thank you for the update, the I2C error disappeared and hasn't reappeared since the update. Anyway, I'll send you the log files. The last log files before I updated the scanner to ...
This is so cool! I am looking forward to following your progress. Thanks Jordan!
Hey guys, I figured I'd start a running thread for this project and update it every time I complete a new scan. My dad gave me an old electric screwdriver that no longer worked so I figured I'd tak...